If you are into skiing, you will realize that your skis require regular repair and maintenance. After all, unless they are in perfect condition, it will likely determine your performance as a skier. Since skis have to endure many rough conditions, they may quickly get damaged. Therefore, when dealing with skis, you must undertake regular inspections to detect and repair any damage quickly.

You are an expert skier and have the competence to deal with and repair any minor damage that your skis may have undergone. Yet, when there is significant damage, like a hole in the ski base, it is best to get the repair done by a professional ski repair company.

It is best to opt for professional ski base repair services.

If you belong to Orange County, you will find many ski base repair shop. Many of them make tall claims about the services they offer. But it would be best if you were careful while choosing. You will realize that ski equipment is pretty expensive. So, unless they are appropriately repaired, you might lose them. Thus, it is best that you only opt for the experts in the field. Only then can you have the best return on your investment.

What if you repair your ski base yourself?

If you plan to repair the ski base and especially fix a hole in it, you will realize it involves a high level of expertise. It would be best if you also were careful while on the job. For ski base repairing, you will need the appropriate supplies. Some of the main ones are as follows:

  • Ski Vise
  • Clean towels
  • It would be best if you had a Base cleaner
  • Rubbing alcohol is an essential requirement
  • Metal Scrapper- You might also use substitutes as a putty knife may work. But it is best to use a sharp and durable scraper.
  • Polythene Repair Candle
  • A propane torch or household candle
  • Wire Brush
  • Razor blade

How To Repair Ski Base Hole Yourself

Steps for the repair of the Ski Base

  • Turn the base of the ski or snowboard up and secure it in the vise. If you don’t have a vise, you can support your ski or board with a couple of stacks of books.
  • Examine the damage. If any loose strands of the base material are around the hole, use your metal scraper to scrape away any excess base material. Stubborn spots may necessitate the use of a razor blade.
  • Remove any dirt or debris with a brush (brush from tip to tail).
  • Use a base cleaner to remove dirt and wax from the wound. Allow the base cleaner to dry completely.
    Remove any remaining base cleaner with rubbing alcohol and a clean towel.

Fill in the Gouge

Light one tip of the P-Tex candle with a propane torch or butane lighter.

Wait until it catches fire (this may take a couple of minutes). In the burning tip, black carbon flakes will appear. Allowing them to enter your bases will cause the P-Tex to bond poorly. Instead, allow the candle to drip onto the metal scraper and roll the tip around until it’s clear and carbon-free. Carbon can be avoided by keeping the flame low and blue rather than large and yellow.

Place the molten P-Tex candle on top of the gouge. Hold it near the surface and allow it to flow into the hole. Begin at the far edge and work your way to the center.

When the P-Tex is smooth and flush with the base, it’s time to wax and hit the slopes.


These are simple ways to have the hole repaired on your ski base, but it is always best to opt for professional ski repair services. Regarding Ski Base Repair Orange County, Green Room, OC is the best place for you.